Monday, October 29, 2007; 5:02 AM
{Why should we not give up on God?}
It is just one reason that we need in order not to give up on God.
One day, a person decided to quit everything.
He quitted his job, his relationship, his spirituality.
He wanted to quit his life.
So he went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
'God', He asked, 'Can you give me one good reason not to quit?'
To his amaze, God’s answer surprised him.
'Look around', He said. 'Do you see the fern and the bamboo?'
'Yes', He replied.
'When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern grew very quickly from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year, the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.’ He said.
'In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would not quit.' He said.
'Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant. But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.'
God asked him. 'Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots? I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you. Don't compare yourself to others.' He said.
'The bamboo had a different purpose compared to the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful. Your time will come,’ God said to him. 'You will rise high.'
'How high should I rise?' He asked.
'How high will the bamboo rise?' He asked in return.
'As high as it can?' I questioned.
'Yes.' He said, 'Give me glory by rising as high as you can.'
So, that person left the forest and brought back this story.
I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you. Never, Never, Never Give up. For the Christian Prayer is not an option but an opportunity. Don't tell the Lord how big the problem is, but rather tell the problem how Great the Lord is!
Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away. The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. Luke 8:12-15
Saturday, October 27, 2007; 9:27 AM
Arise! Trust Fall
Promise you will catch me?
Venue: Nanyang Polytechnic Stadium
Date: Saturday, 24th November, 2pm
Hey Guys! Let's really make use of this event to outreach and let everyone know! It's a golden opportunity to SOW! =)
I've listed down some of the event's highlights!
- A performance for everyone attending the event!
- Very relevant messages to teenagers such as BGR issues, depression and gangsterism.
- It's regconized by the media! Camera crews will come down on that day!
- It'll break the Guinness World Record!
- It's only $2. But you'll get a goodie bag with a lot of gifts costing a lot more!
Sunday, October 14, 2007; 5:55 AM
{Notice and encouragement.}
School's reopening! Is everyone excited? =D
Do bring back an overflowing spiritual water bottle, so that our friends and classmates can feel the love of God!
Anyway. Can everyone send me their time-tables? I'll be compiling and editing and putting them up. This is to facilitate evan/prayer meet ups (:
Kai Sze sent me some photos. Do encourage all of you to send photos to this blog! (:
"Lion King" Wei Hong
My Shepherd LOL
Strong seah.
NYP B-3! (:
Wednesday, October 10, 2007; 8:14 PM
{Drawing Parallels}
One of the most memorable scenes out of the movies I watched recently, has to be a scene from Dogma. Directed by Kevin Smith, it's a film that dealt heavily with Christianity, and it's symbolism.
I'd like to share this scene because it really draws a parallel between the life of a Christian to angel, and non-believer to human.
[Excerpt; Bartleby]
Bartleby and Loki were angels exiled from heaven because of disobedience. Loki was the angel of death and destruction (the plagues, etc...) but because of their sympathy for humans, he threw down his sword and this act caused their expulsion, and eternal damnation from paradise. After two thousand years, they've finally found a way back to heaven, but God will stop at nothing to prevent this from happening.
Bartleby to loki:
Then he created humans. Ours was designed to be a life of servitude and worship... and bowing and scraping and adoration. He gave them more than He ever gave us. He gave them a choice. They choose to acknowledge God, or choose to ignore him. All this time we've been down here, I've felt the absence of the Divine presence. And it's pained me... As I'm sure it must have pained you. And why? Because of the way he made us. Had we been given free will, we could choose to ignore the pain. Like they do. But no! We're servants!
Wake up! These humans have besmirched everything He's bestowed upon them. They were given Paradise -- they threw it away. They were given this planet -- they destroyed it. They were favored best among all His endeavors, and some of them don't even believe he exists. And in spite of it all... He hath shown them infinite fucking patience at every turn. What about us? I asked you... Once, to lay down the sword, because I felt sorry for them. What was the result? Our expulsion from Paradise! Where was his infinite fucking patience then?! It's not right! It's not fair! We've paid our debt. Don't you think it's time... Don't you think it's time we went home? And to do that... I... I think we may have to dispatch our-our would be dispatchers.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007; 9:07 AM
After my relentless scrutiny of the nondescript terms "Apologetic Qn", I've finally reached a plateau of sarcasm. Oh yes, I must be joking but I guarantee you that I am most definitely not. Readers of this blog (recent ones) must be wondering and wandering about your habitat why Mr Satire thinks that he can no longer eclipse satire zeniths at will. Well, keep wondering.
Anyway, as most of you can see (no, I'm not outrightly discriminating the visually impaired idiots), our cell group/care group (seriously though, what is the difference?) leader has returned. And he's brought back the hidden gifts of Malaysia (truly asia) and is planning to share it with us come thursday. However, the sad thing is that, I won't be present (Yes, i hear the "as usual" remark) to hop on the enlightenment bandwagon.
Anyway, I'll save you guys the time of going to my blog. Here's something I wrote (not a satire)
Hit and Run
Nimble steps on the pavement
the toddler takes a stroll
Meek depicts his movement
Man breaks the crawling cold.
Words filling up the mind
alphabets fading into sense
looking up the STOP sign
moving without any plans
temptation begins to play
the wrong becomes right
desires turning to clay
barely surviving the night
The vision starts to blur
the zebra crossing the blight
the retired tries to spur
black, white, black, white
Blindness finishes its meal
the limbs continue with fate
a deadly pain, so very real
the green light turns red.
Monday, October 8, 2007; 9:11 PM
Joshua Thomas is born on the 20th November 1989.
Okay never mind, maybe,
a little. Okay maybe by
a little , I really mean
a lot.
Now presenting... Joshua Thomas the weirdo!
1. If I'm hungry, and food is in front of me, all my concentration goes there. I'm like, the hungry ghost incarnate >_>
2. I procrastinate... A lot. Most of the things I said I want to do is only done a few months later.
3. I am very
sui bian with people I just know. I once spent overnight drinking with 5 strangers I just met on the day itself!
4. I cry a lot when it comes to romance stories. Mostly Anime... >_>
5. There's no activity I dislike or won't go for. I might not be good at it but you'll see me turn up =)
6. I enjoy going out a lot, but I enjoy staying at home a lot too. Strange right? I don't have a game console or anything, I'm just a naturally homely person, who loves to go out.
Yo, Phoebe here. These are the 6 weird things about me:
1) I'm a light eater, but I have high metabolism. So I don't eat a lot but I often eat. Haha...
2) I love to play guessing games especially when it comes to guessing song titles and artists (but not oldies songs please...)
3) No music, no life.
4) I used to sleep walked. Everyone thinks it was scary but I think it was memorable.
5) I love cool names. I thank my dad for giving my brother and me nice names. Even my pets have cool names (Kaize, Shaq, Cash etc). Haha...
6) Last but not least, I love to laugh so much that I even laugh in my sleep.Alright Shareen, I've done my homework.
Guess who's back?
Back again
Jake is back
Tell your mom.
The above verse was copied and sorrowfully plagiarized from Eminem's Without Me. The hiphop (white) song is essentially overplayed and overrated, but it's catchy to me, so appreciate it.
Today, I'm gonna talk lightly about the term "Apologetic Qn" (well, my definition, at least).
Qn. In my ridiculously and fanatically underrated opinion, Qn would mean Question. Unless you can explain to me in a more scientific and literal manner (preferably by splitting Q and N apart), i suggest you bottle up your feelings in glass and read on. Therefore, i can prove with reason that Apologetic Qn is an aberration and abbreviation of Apologetic Question.
How then can one post apologetic question on a blog? I mean I can post AN apologetic question or apologetic questionS but i can never post apologetic question as an entry. That would be too insipid and too unlike my style of writing. I've explained what apologetic questions mean but still, i'm stumped by the sheer vagueness of the suggestion on that tagboard.
Who should I apologise to?
And Why?
And how can you apologise and ask (unless you're asking for an apology, but that would be termed "asking for forgiveness", wouldn't it?)
But since I'm here to entertain (and post), I shall post apologetic questions to the person who made the reasonable suggestion despite the unerring errors in the manner of it.
1. I'm terribly and extremely and *flips thesaurus* helplessly apologetic for the mad, fanatical and *looks at thesaurus again* unreasonable havoc I've brought to this website
2. I'm also sorry for not knowing what's good for the blog and for not involving and thinking about the other bloggers who possess the "authorship" for this website.
3. I'm yet again sorry for posting so regularly that this blog is dying from my literal alacrity, I'll try my best to post only on special occasions which reek, no i mean, which exude grandeur.
4. I'm sorry for the *counts fingers* fourth time because I disallowed other bloggers to blog by stealing their time *smiles wryly* and their authorship and their effort.
5. Last but definitely, totally, assuredly not least, I am also sorry for not giving my best to this blog. (Rest assured, I will, from now on, nothing personal)
Adios Amigo.
Sunday, October 7, 2007; 9:26 AM
Okay, by popular demand, the "6 weird things about oneself" returns with a heart of vengeance. Technically, return wouldn't be too apt a word, but you get the picture. (I'm trying to make it sound good and appealing).
To be honest, I've long forgotten how many bloggers have the authorship for this website so I'm just gonna post six weird things about myself here. I know I know, you can't wait to finally comprehend what gives Mr Satire that flair with his sarcasm.
Here goes nothing (6 weird things isn't nothing, but that's how teenagers say it these days)
1. I've a fetish for female vampires. They're just really hot with those sexy fangs.
2. I get occasional bouts of visual and audio amplification, in which everything i see becomes zoomed in and everything i hear becomes extremely loud.
3. I possess very slight and subtle telekinesis.
4. I read words, sentences, stories out loud in my mind.
5. My mathematics grade isn't good, but I do mental sums quickly and accurately
6. For all my poems, stories, verses and satires, I am strangely unsure of what a noun, verb and adverb means.
The frigid water grips tightly to your lower body, the sheer glacial currents puncture your skin like knife cutting through butter. Seamless.
As the sun rose and stamped its authority on the expanse of azure, supernal rays of light shone down on the glimmering waters of a swimming pool. It wasn't just an ordinary pool, not today. It had a greater purpose on this day, one that outweighed the usual meek ones. Soon after, ominous clouds started to make their stand against the omnipresent sun, and they did with much success.
The floodgates opened and rain gushed down profusely. Puddles of water started to form around the pool as the scene bled irony and confusion.
Gahhh, I can't write for nuts. Anyway, Mr Satire was trying to convey his thoughts to his audience via words, typewritten ones. However, as painfully obvious as it is, the subtlety lies in the seemingly insipid description of the shallow puddles of water. For those who can't seem to catch and hold that latent meaning with both hands, Mr "third party preacher for today" Satire congratulates you for your success in attaining a bronze trophy/qualification in swimming in puddles. And for those who don't understand what Monsieur Satire was ranting about, he has a quote for you. "Vous etes Un Imbecile".
Since this blog is a caregroup one, Mr Satire has decided not to go too far with his subtle mannerism and unmatched intellect. If readers of this website thinks that Mr Satire does not deserve his respected and acclaimed authorship, Mr Satire gladly thinks that you're dead wrong. He was employed to construe offensive yet comedic sentences with his fingers, and to conjure literal magic with his renowned wand. For an unknown reason (unknown to Mr Satire is as good as impossible to homo sapiens), Mr Satire can't seem to talk about the water baptism he went through earlier as it would be terribly unfair to the other bloggers that Mr Satire only rants about his experience. Oops, pot calling a kettle black.
Did you get it? If so, raise your hands in the air and scream the following words at the top of your lungs. "My reflection so smart, that when he (if you're a feline) or she (if you're a canine) read the dictionary, he saw the Bible"
Tuesday, October 2, 2007; 9:47 AM
Well, I'm new here so let me introduce myself. My name's Jia ming or Jake (with or without "the great one", it doesn't matter nowadays; people don't appreciate me exuding that intense and immense aura of mine too much)
Well, I've been brought here to breathe new life (*cough* satire *cough*) into this otherwise rundown and ancient website or blog, whichever you prefer to call. My past is passed so yeah, there won't be any point in me ranting about my glorious history. In essence, I am quite a critical child of God. And I'm learning not to throw my criticism like punchlines; that I assure you, won't be the least favorable.
If you ask my caregroup members, they would well, struggle to name a weakness about me (Yes Wei Hong, don't give me that look). But since this IS my first ever post for the blog, I will reveal a little secret about myself.
I get charmed easily, and I am not as witty as I seem to be.
Ah well, enough of the self introduction and proclaimation, on to the important stuff.
Today was a pretty good day by my standards and probably by the caregroup's standards. Two groups of different genders met up (finally) at a decent place owned by a fellow child of God.
We started off with a few worships songs, which didn't turn out as good as it was widely expected to be, not the critically acclaimed grammy awards sweeper I assure you but still good for the group. We learnt how to unite our falsettos and offkey voices into melody. I think you get the picture. Jokes aside, there was a quintessential purpose when we sang the praises. I, for one, was a little drowsy at the start (I always am)but it got better when the atmosphere lifted and most of us could feel His presence when we started twisting our tongues in the strangest of methods and uttering incomprehensible noises (that's speaking in tongues, for those in the private sector).
After the songs, we gathered around and started to share verses of the Bible which we thought encouraged ourselves to survive the past seven days of tumultuous turmoil. Well, although I didn't particularly express my verse in the way I would have wanted, the session was still quite meaningful. I mean, you get 14 replies instead of the usual 7 or 6, that has to count for something doesn't it?
Mass sheperding was split into two speakers. The first was the efferverscent Wei Hong who spoke with enough ebullience and vivacity to rouse a sleeping crowd from dreamland. The second speaker was Hui Mei, she practically blew the competition off. I liked the topic she probed on, and the lot of us were seemingly enjoying it as well. Needless to say, Hui Mei basked in her landslide victory over the normally impregnable Wei Hong. On the serious note, the topics were quite important and were surprisingly different from the leadership rants Pastor Jeff and Jasmine conducted during the past 2 services. I'll be back for more soon and talking more about the topics they elaborated on. Well, I'm gonna go now, hope you've enjoyed what I've offered.
{Picture Update}
Hello! Sorry for the long pause in updating. Here are pictures from various activities over the weeks.
Church Anniversary! The Girls of NYP-Beyond!
Church Anniversary! Everyone!
Chris trying to take pictures, Khok yen acting cool, Weihong blur as always
X-2 Lantern Festival! Alot of people!
Nyp-B2! Our CL making funny faces :D
Everyone is happy!